Gossip has now video/audio capabilities !
Coming soon in your favorite distribution. Notes:
- In reality I’m handsome, the weird face is due to the camera’s angle
- The black square is actually the video preview frame where you see yourself (but it can’t be screenshotted)
- The meters aren’t working yet
- If no video is possible, then only the button+status and the meters are shown in the window
- All this is powered by Telepathy and the telepathy branch of Gossip
- I’m not alone on this stuff, many thanks to Xavier Claessens and Eitan Isaacson for maintaining the telepathy branch!
- This stuff is experimental, blabla, and also it’s not a final design, it’s open for discussion, etc
- Come and help/discuss on
on Freenode or#gossip
on Gimpnet
You can get the code using darcs get http://www.gnome.org/~rslinckx/darcs/gossip-telepathy-voip
17 responses to “My Christmas present: Gossip Audio/Video”
Good work! Which networks (MSN? AIM? etc.) are supported?
This is great! Thank you very much, this is a very needed feature on the GNU/Linux desktop.
The perfect X-mas gift =)
Thanks for this Christmas present. Its really wonderful and now I can persuade some of my known people to entirely remove a proprietary OS which they’re using for VoIP.
Thanks again and Merry Christmas,
The black square is missing. Please add it again 🙂
Ronald: Since it’s using telepathy, anything implementing the Spec can be used transparently. At the moment, it uses jingle (jabber) which works between any two jabber clients implementing jingle (google talk is one of them, gossip telepathy is another, you have also the 770 using telepathy for example).
Work was done on the oscar side this summer which is a bit stalled to reverse engineer the video protocol. This would enable video/audio between ichat, icq, or aol clients.
bkor: It’s there. Just click on the picture 🙂
It can be convenient, but it is still nowhere compared to a complete and full-featured VoIP solution like Ekiga…
[…] Raphael’s Christmas present now has consequences. Cause of his present I decided to finally switch from using Gaim to Gossip for my instant messaging needs. Because I’m into keeping logs around, I decided to write a small piece of shit Perl script that tries to convert the Gaim log file format (clumsy HTML) to Gossip’s (gossip-log.xsl). […]
Là j’avoue, tu hyporises ta maman ours en slip… Je ne peux que m’incliner et te lécher les orteils !
[…] Le modifiche sostanziali sono state integrate ai repository di sviluppo grazie al lavoro fatto per il laptop per child dagli sviluppatori di Fedora e permetteranno di utilizzare il framework telepathy per la comunicazione voip attraverso XMPP. Come già detto si tratta di funzionalità aggiunte al ramo di sviluppo e quindi considerate instabili e non complete, ma già adesso lasciano vedere notevoli prospettive di utilizzo… PUBBLICITÀ // PUBBLICITÀ postato da Fullo il mercoledì 27 dicembre 2006 in: […]
[…] I would like to write a few words about AbiWord and Gossip Instant Messenger. The developers behind these two applications are currently implementing the Telepathy framework. What will it mean for you as an user? Gossip now has VoIP and video conference support, and AbiWord is getting collaboration functionality. Tapioca is also currently being rewritten to make use of Telepathy, all three projects are bringing Gnome up to today’s computing. My scientific staff is to travel less, but at the same time involve themselves more in to international projects. Hopefully we will see more applications making use of Telepathy in the nearby future. […]
[…] Toujours dans l’espace opensource, mais client cette fois–ci, le premier client Jabber libre permettant la visio-conférence pourrait bien être Gossip. Pour Noël un des développeurs de ce client pour Gnome, a présenté dans son blog un patch pour Gossip, lui permettant le support de la voix et de la vidéo par Jabber, en utilisant le protocole Jabber standardisé par la JSF : Jingle. Cette version modifiée de Gossip utilise Telepathy, qui est un projet visant à créer un coeur commun pour tout les logiciels de messageries instantanées et de VoIP. […]
I love what you’e doing!
Don’t ever change and best of luck.
Raymon W.
[…] put telepathy-voip on my to-test list so I decided to make a good use of the morning checking out Raphael’s gossip-voip branch. Some folks in #telepathy pointed me to bug #414397, there I found a big patch containing the voip […]
I haven’t been up to anything recently. My life’s been really boring lately.
Whatever. Today was a complete loss. Basically nothing seems important.
my French is not good but is seem like a very nice web site, thanks
About six months I witness the wonder of videoconferencing when I was asked to deliver my lecture from my university to a high school via video conferencing. First I was thinking it was just a camera recording my lecture and will make the necessary editing to show the high school students but later I realized that I was interacting with the students live. Great technology