
As of friday, I shall be referred to as “Ir. Raphael Slinckx” 🙂

The 2007 promotion (I’m the guy with the red jacket). Note the geeks. Especially our teacher that looks like Clint Eastwood ready to shoot someone.

Antoine and me with the AILv price. We ended in 4th position for the best mémoire that can lead to a business.






5 responses to “Graduation”

  1. bersace Avatar

    Bravo !

  2. Sri Ramkrishna Avatar
    Sri Ramkrishna

    Congatulations, Raphael!

  3. Reinout van Schouwen Avatar

    Hey kikidonk, well done! Gefeliciteerd! 🙂

  4. Travis Reitter Avatar
    Travis Reitter

    Congrats, dude!

    Could you explain what “Ir.” stands for? 🙂 I haven’t heard of that title before (and Wikipedia isn’t helping :).

  5. Raphaël Slinckx Avatar

    Ir. Stands for “Ingénieur” in french, it’s the official title when you finish an engineering degree, like you would use Dr. for a doctor..