Megaphone Applet

Today, I finished hacking together a ‘person’ applet, using – of course – Telepathy and the excellent Empathy’s libraries created by Xavier Claessens.

Xavier Claessens

While I’m at it, you can read more on telepathy and empathy in my GUADEC 2007 talk (also see my pictures on flickr).

Here’s what it looks like:

Megaphone Applet screenshot

The right-hand panel contains a number of megaphone applet instances, one for each contact I often talk to. If I click on the avatar (or the generic contact icon) it creates a text chat. The beauty of Telepathy is that the text chat will be handled by my favorite text chatting application, in this case Empathy itself, but it could be konqueror or whatever other program capable of handling text chats.

The first time the applet is added, you can choose a contact to be displayed. The contact chooser re-uses the empathy contact list as found in libempathy-gtk. Simply find your contact in the list, click ok and you’re set.

The applet also offers an ‘Information’ dialog, taken again from libempathy-gtk that allows you to view and edit the contact vcard, and edit the groups to which it belongs.

And amazingly, the applet only has 570 lines of C code and that includes the gobject and applet boilerplate…

In completely unrelated and old news, we got our traditional gourmet restaurant with vincent, xavier and cédric at Birmingham. Delightful!

Gourmet Restaurant

Vincent certainly seems to enjoy the moment !






9 responses to “Megaphone Applet”

  1. Sandy Avatar

    Dude, great slides.

  2. Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen Avatar

    Hey Raph!

    That looks bloody cool. Sources?

    Now I just have to come up with some even cooler usage of XESAM when I have libxesam-glib ready 🙂


  3. Raphaël Slinckx Avatar

    Sources are going to be included in empathy SVN HEAD

  4. Lucas Rocha Avatar

    Why not several users in only one instance? It would be lighter solutions.

  5. Christian Kellner Avatar

    “but it could be konqueror or whatever other program capable of handling text chats.”

    /me giggles

  6. Vincent Avatar

    Wow, this guy with the blue hat certainly looks weird!

  7. new back Avatar
    new back

    Noticed again this, one of my pet peeves.

    Augh that transparent panel is horrible. Those separators make my eyes bleed, definite blocker for using transparent panel 😮 Gnome panel always has sucked in that.. Glad you don’t have the window list there, it would make me vomit already.

  8. Guillaume Avatar

    What a strange name…